Introduce Your Toddler To “Music Go Round”


Music is most appealing to toddlers between the ages 1 and 3. Find ways to get your child moving to the music. Music Go Round is a rich sensory environment that can be enjoyed by just listening. This allows children to experience a variety of textures, tastes, and colours . These are the Best Action Music Go Round for Your Toddler/Preschooler

Music Go Round with your child is a great way to teach them. You can watch your child grow and learn by spending time singing these songs every day. You can find so many great action songs you can sing that will take your mind back to when you were little.

Five Benefits of Music Go Round with your child

  • Music Go Round is a great teaching tool that brings joy to families. We have selected five of our favorite songs to share with you.
  • Your child’s listening, speaking, and action skills will be used when singing. This can greatly support their communication development.
  • Children can improve their oral communication skills by singing. It allows children to express themselves vocally in a controlled manner.

It’s a great way for your child to improve their memory by learning to sing along to favourite songs. They will be able to remember the lyrics as well as the songs. Think about how many songs are you familiar with! This is also a good idea for our children. Concentration can be improved by singing, whether you are singing in a group, class, or just with your family.

You can use touch, holding, cuddles and rocking to encourage children to sing along with you. Eye contact, smiling, and nodding are all important. These activities can help a child develop by strengthening the relationship between parent and child. Your child will be happy if you sing to them. They bond with you and your voice when you sing together. Imagine the joy you feel when singing with your child. It is simply amazing!

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Singing can release endorphins which make you happy, which are great for your mental health. But did you know that singing can also help boost your immune system. It’s also an aerobic activity. It forces you to breathe deeply when singing which increases oxygen intake. Incredible right? 

You can count with songs like ‘Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer,’ or ‘Ten Green Bottles. Singing music with Music Go Round numbers helps your child learn how to add, subtract, and count. These rhymes are fun to sing together. They can be used for counting forwards up to 10 and backwards.

Kids health is Quoted as Saying

Experts say children who grow up listening to music and singing along to the beats are exposed to a variety of tastes, sounds, textures, colours and smells. Children who have such an environment are more than just having fun. Researchers believe that they create more connections between their brain cells.”

Music Go Round: Around the World

Things are looking brighter now that the pandemic restrictions have been lifted. This month’s theme is “Around the World!” In our online children’s music classes, we’ve been learning songs and singing about various ways to travel around the globe. Learning about the vast, wonderful world around us is a great way to teach toddlers and pre-schoolers.

You can put a Spring in your Step with Music

Music Go Round is a music and dance company that focuses on the importance of early childhood education. Research has shown that children have a natural “communicative musicality” which can be enhanced and nurtured by regular, structured Music Go Round lessons with a trained teacher. With 15 years ‘

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